In memory of Nathan Hoare

Photo shows Nathan in the centre with James and Corey on either side at the JMB tent supporting the Foundation at the 2018 Melbourne Marathon.
By Robin Brewin
James and I first met Nathan in late 2006, just after James moved from the Royal Melbourne Hospital to Gardenview House in Parkville. After 3 years there, they both moved into Austin Street along with Corey, Julian and Sarah. Austin Street became their home together for the next 12 years. Nathan and James were good mates and shared a keen interest in AFL. They were roughly the same age.
Nathan was learning to stand and he needed a specialised wheelchair which could move from sitting to standing and down again. He raised funds by propagating plants and selling them at the market to help buy his chair. He was also crowd funding and the JMB Foundation made a grant towards the cost of the wheelchair, which he then successfully used for several years.
Sadly Nathan contracted Covid and passed away at Austin Street in mid-2022. Nathan was the bright spark of the house. Although he had lost his ability to speak, he certainly let everyone know he was around. He would toot his horn, use his communication board, give a thumbs up, or the ’bird’, and his smile and laugh were infectious.
Nathan’s mother, Karen, asked Austin Street to sell his wheelchair, and then she very kindly donated the proceeds on behalf of Nathan and his family to the JMB Foundation, in memory of Nathan.
Thank you, and we shall never forget a very special young man, Nathan. We look forward to being able to use this generous donation to further assist young people with ABI.