Ben’s Journey to Independence


Ben Thompson is a long-term recipient of grant funding from the JMB Foundation.  He was a victim of a coward punch in 2007, which left him unable to talk or eat, and the only body parts he could move were his right thumb and eyelids.  17 years on, this is his story in his own words.

My name is Ben Thompson and when I was 23 years of age, I acquired my disability through being the victim of a “one punch attack “.

I have worked tirelessly to recover from a “one punch attack” that caused me catastrophic brain injury. After being discharged from hospital and rehab I was living in an aged care facility as this was my only option at the time, where all the residents were much older than me.

I have shared my story with schools, my bravery, perseverance, optimistic personality, and love of life which inspired everyone.  I had taught the students and community never to give up when life poses challenges, offering forgiveness for those who do us wrong, and that it’s ok to reach out to others in one’s community when in need.

I really enjoy educating the community and sharing my story.

Living in a shared accommodation at the time was the only option I had to achieve my goals with intense therapy. I spent a lot of time in my bedroom as I lived with eight co residents at the time and my privacy was important to me. Having the chance to live in an apartment on my own, what this meant to me was the opportunity to have control of my home, feel safe and proud of a place I call home. A place my sister can visit, stay as long as she likes, a place I can have my therapy supports without distractions from others, a place I can eat my food without the distractions from others and fear of choking when I’m not concentrating.

A space I don’t have to share, I have control of who supports me and when I want support.

I have technology in place to increase my independence to control the lighting, my doors, my television and iPad .

I am funded through JMB Foundation which enables me to have private music therapy to improve my breathing and speech. They also fund my hydrotherapy with my physio.  I wouldn’t be where I am now without this.

This is my new journey in life and …

We look forward to seeing what Ben will achieve next!

Ben at Music Therapy. He loves to sing and composes his own songs

Proud of his new-found independence