What a big year for the Macready-Bryan’s as we have welcomed into the world little Maddie Macready-Bryan, the daughter of James’ brother Tom and his wife Emily. She is now almost one and she has brought so much joy into our world. Staying with us at the moment on holiday from Rwanda is my new step-grandson Jude 5 months and his sister Margot 2 years old – the family’s first visit in over 2 years. Woody my step-grandson was also born last year and just turned 1 year old. Grandparenting is as good as every tells you and James is so happy to be an uncle.
It’s been another tough year for the world and particularly for those with disability and in all care homes. James has just received his 4th Covid vaccine with his Flu shot and although there have been a few instances of Covid at his house he has not been infected. Unfortunately it has been a restricted year for James and his house mates but they are now trying to return to a more normal life with many activities happening again. Staffing has been an issue this past year or more, compounded by Covid, but Austin Street now has some great new sup port workers and we are hoping for a much more stable and happy future.
Best wishes to all mothers and grandmothers on Mothers’ Day this year. Have a lovely family day.