The James Macready-Bryan (JMB) Foundation will receive applications until 31 October 2015 for a sixth round of funding for eligible young people with an acquired brain injury, to support their specific needs.
Why have an applications process?
The JMB Foundation was formed in 2007 by parents known to the family of James Macready-Bryan – JMB.
The JMB Foundation’s vision is simple: all young sufferers of acquired brain injury should be fully and appropriately supported in their financial, rehabilitation and accommodation needs.
James is the victim of assault, occurring on his 20th birthday in October 2006. A knock-out punch sent his head slamming into the pavement, causing total, permanent and catastrophic brain injury. The sporty, life-loving student is now housed in a young people’s residential facility where he requires 24-hour care. He cannot move or speak, and is fed through a tube.
What happens to a young acquired brain injury sufferer like James Macready-Bryan? James’ parents and friends discovered that, for those not injured in a motor vehicle accident or at work, support is hard to find, complicated, underfunded, fragmented and inefficient.
Application process
The JMB Foundation Applications for Funding process has been launched to provide a framework for allocation of funds, raised by the Foundation to support the needs of young people with an acquired brain injury.
It is a bi-annual process. Applications for funding for the period 1 January to 30 June 2016 will be accepted until 5pm on 31 October 2015. Applications received after this date will be considered for round seven, after 31 April 2016.
You may download an application form and Application for Funding Guidelines here.
To be eligible applicants must:
– have an acquired brain injury
– be less than 50 years of age at the time of first application
– be registered with the Department of Human Services (DHS) on the Disability Support Register (DSR) in Victoria, or an equivalent register in the applicant’s Australian State of residence.
Anyone wishing to make an application on behalf of a client or family member should review the application guidelines and complete an application form, which should be forwarded to the JMB Foundation – together with any relevant supporting documents – via email to or by post to P.O. Box 2281, Hawthorn, Vic 3122.
All queries can be directed to Sharon Kent by email –