The end of the financial year is not far off. If tax time is a time when you contemplate contributing to a charitable cause, we hope you might consider the JMB Foundation.
Thanks to our donors, in the last 12 months we have been able to help 23 young men and women with acquired brain injuries by providing funds to pay for things such as therapy, special equipment, home modifications or respite care. Things that would otherwise have been financially out of reach for them, and have made their life that little bit better.
We are 100 per cent donor-funded and without our generous supporters we simply can’t do what we do. So please, if you can, make a tax-deductible donation to JMB Foundation before 30 June and help us to help young Australians suffering with ABI.
Last year JMB provided funds to help Queenslander Sam Ford (below) learn to walk again after an assault left him with an ABI.